1 min read

Infrastructure As Code

In the middle of the afternoon, I have a chit-chat with my co-(mentor)-worker. We're discussing the HashiTalks event that will be held on July 29th this year.

There are so many topics that will be presented. Then, my co-(mentor)-worker mentioned these things.

  • packer (buat bikin image VM - bisa kvm)
  • vagrant (build VM - bisa VirtualBox, docker)
  • terraform (build cloud infra di cloud provider - AWS , Linode, etc)
  • consul (network - cluster, lb, multi-dc/zone, etc)
  • boundary (n/a)
  • vault (buat nyimpen key/secret - .env di app, SSL, etc)
  • nomad (container, bisa HA - docker, k8s)
  • waypoint (Waypoint provides a modern workflow to build, deploy, and release across platforms. - n/a)

I copied his chat directly, hahaha. Humm, I think I should write about that items later.

infra as code, r u ready to rock?😛
@tox - www.sysadmin.id

Thanks, pak! Let me sharpen my ax first.